Keynote Presentations: JJ Brun – The Retired Spy In Action

His cover’s blown – Watch JJ in action

This operative has gone rogue. Revealing everything he has come to learn about human behaviour, audiences are wowed by his candor, vigor, and enthusiastic approach to improving how we communicate. 

This agent hasn’t been compromised. He’s been unleashed. 

JJ Brun

Speaker Reel

Full Presentation

How To Successfully Navigate Hostile Environments Using The “F” Word

Meet JJ Brun…Operative 431

Human Behaviour & Communications Specialist

Better known as “The Retired Spy”, JJ Brun is a two-time award-winning speaker, international best-selling author and the DISC Trainer of Trainers. In 1999, after serving in the Canadian Armed Forces (15 years within the Intelligence Branch), he founded DHC Training Solutions, a training and consulting company where he redirects all his field-acquired intelligence into informing and enlightening people in the field of Human Behaviour and effective communication practices.

Utilizing his extensive human behaviour knowledge and discreet communication tactics, JJ can get the best out of every individual and team member in your organization.

When JJ is deployed on stage, you get more than just a speaker. You receive an operative who has witnessed, executed, and lived it.


Meeting Planners AND Delegates Are Raving!

“JJ was awesome! It was a real eye-opener when he read the room. We have received great feedback from the delegates.”

A. Jeffs, Events Organizer
Association of Municipal Administrators in Nova Scotia (AMANS)

“JJ did an excellent job for us. I was very pleased by the feedback from so many of our attendees who said that he “really” got it and were looking forward to using some of the techniques when they get back to their offices. It was confirmation that there were some real take-aways in that presentation.”

G. Gibson Government Finance Officers Association

“Recently, we were lucky enough to enjoy a keynote address delivered by JJ Brun. The presentation incorporated many personal stories from his time as a spy as well as lessons learned in his personal life, giving the talk added entertainment. All in all, it is difficult to find presenters who can bring entertainment to a presentation that can also be used for personal and professional development – but that is exactly what JJ offered us. Job well done!”

Dustin Menger, President Canadian Well Logging Society

“All the feedback was very enthusiastic concerning the novelty of JJ’s topic and how he made it so relevant to our diverse audience. But almost more important, was our using “The Retired Spy” on our teasers. This was a real attention-getter and a draw for registrations.”

A. Martin PLR Expo (Property Loss Restoration)

“Our HR leadership day was highlighted by your opening speech about the People Puzzle. You brought a new and refreshing perspective on how we communicate with our people to get “buy-in”. I know that you impacted many in the room because your ideas were referred to several times at other sessions.”

P. Landreville Shared Services Canada

“The session went well, and everyone was impressed with JJ's presentation. JJ was both great as a presenter and went above and beyond in the lead up to the event. I could not have asked for anything more.”

Katrina Roberts Department of National Defense

Invite JJ to speak on…

JJ’s lively interactive sessions challenge people to examine how they think, feel, and act. Instead of merely coexisting at work, JJ encourages us to celebrate our differences and utilize our diversity for enhanced interpersonal skills and workplace partnerships.

How to Successfully Navigate Hostile Environments Using the ‘F’ Word

In this highly interactive session JJ explains how to use the Environmental Hostility Spectrum to successfully navigate difficult conversations by using the ‘F’ word, and no, we don’t mean the four-letter curse word! We’re talking about the ‘F’ word when connecting with people matters. This powerful tool will help you become better equipped to handle any difficult environments or conversations that comes your way.

Presenting Ideas and Gaining Buy-In

Are you tired of having your great ideas shot down before they even have a chance to take flight? In this session JJ reveals the secrets to why people say no to your ideas and how to turn their rejection into acceptance. Imagine the possibilities when you are equipped with the knowledge and tools to confidently present your ideas and gain buy-in every time you speak.

Making Sense of the People Puzzle in Times of Change

Are you struggling to understand why your team members feel, think, and act the way they do during times of change? In this session, you’ll discover, experience, and apply key “OPERATIVE INSIGHTS” to effectively read other people’s needs and expectations, ensuring that no one gets left behind during times of crisis and change.


Bio, Headshots, Introduction

Trusted By

The Retired Spy- JJ’s Official Bio

Better known as “The Retired Spy”, JJ Brun is a Human Behaviour and Communication Specialist who has over 30 years of studying and working within the field of human behaviour.

Speaking to everyone from industry leaders to university students, JJ has helped hundreds of thousands of people learn to relate and communicate more effectively across cultures, in their own businesses and personal lives. 

His 15 years of service within the field of Human Intelligence (HUMINT) for the Canadian Armed Forces Intelligence Branch fostered his interest in how people feel, think and act they way they do. Through JJ’s unique application of the Four Temperament (DISC) Model Human Behaviour, JJ provides the secrets to reading people and recognizing what certain behaviour indicates and how to interpret and respond to that information.

In a world where everyone communicates, and very few connect, JJ has dedicated his life and his business to learning the principles of human behaviour and effective communication practices across cultures.

Audiences LOVE The Retired Spy!

"Loved the presentation ... JJ was entertaining and engaging. He had us all up and out of our seats to demonstrate, really show, the differences in behavioural tendencies and how they can influence/improve interpersonal skills and communication."

D. Steele PMP, Attendee
Solving The People Puzzle Workshop

“JJ is awesome! This is the first training that I've taken in my career where I am fully attentive the entire time. I enjoyed the conversation. JJ, keep up the great work, your knowledge, experience and feedback is appreciated.”

University of Ottawa Student

“This workshop was one of the best I had attended this year at AUMA. I did have a great conversation with JJ after the session was over [and] I would recommend him to any organization.”

K. Moore, Attendee
Town of Didsbury

Book JJ For Your Next Event!

Get The Retired Spy in action for you. Reach out to us to inquire about booking and availability. 


Bio, Headshots, Introduction

Mastering Retirement - Business Retreat with JJ Brun & Paul Bigard in CANCUN!


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